Your Trusted Post Op and Lymphatic Massage Specialists


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Frequently Asked Questions

To get the best results, lymphatic massages are encouraged 24 hours after your surgical procedure while the incisions are still open, and the drains are intact, it is important to use this time wisely and begin your massages. (Please consult with your surgeon for specific instructions on when to begin postop massages, each surgeon has his/her preference and each recommendation will be on a case to case basis.)

1. Yes, they hurt A LOT. No point sugar-coating it, right? These massages are not your usual relaxing massage. Lymphatic massages help remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues, it helps reduce fluid and swelling related to surgical procedures.
2. You may experience a pain level of 6 or 7, on a pain scale of 1-10. Most people ask for breaks during their sessions, which is completely normal. It is also normal to shed a few tears, to feel nauseous, and dizzy prior to, during, and immediately after the massage.
3. Your Surgeon will prescribe pain medication to help alleviate the pain related to the surgery. Please note that I said alleviate, not eliminate. Pain medication will NOT eliminate your pain, it is used to make the painful and often uncomfortable recovery experience
more tolerable and manageable. You should always take your pain meds as prescribed by
your physician.

1. Avoid salty foods, drink plenty of fluids, keep your compression garment on at least 23 hours a day. Keep your compression socks on, walk for 5-10 minutes every hour for the first two weeks, then increase to 15 minutes after that.

1. Of course, that’s what we’re here for! We offer full-service for all your post op needs at Skin Deep Sculpting. We specialize in helping select the right garment by factoring in all concerns, your comfort
level, and areas you’ve had surgery.
2. We will measure you, suggest different options/types of garments and allow you to choose the most suitable and comfortable for you. Although, most surgeons prefer for their patients to wear their surgical garments. Always speak to your surgeon before choosing a garment.
3. We offer this service at absolutely NO cost to you.

  1. 15-35 massages – tummy tucks
  2. 10-20 massages – liposuction
  3.  15-25 massages – BBL
  1. Your massages should begin 24hrs immediately after your surgery, and surgery, and should continue with 5 massages within the 1st 7 days.
  2. After 7 days, you may begin alternation days with your massages. For example: Mon-
    Wed-Fri for the next 6 weeks.

Yes, we treat fibrosis aggressively, we use wood therapy, heat and body contouring (vibrating massagers) as well as manual (hand) manipulation to break up fibrotic tissue.

Typically, your surgeon or surgical center will remove your drain when the amount of fluid coming out of the drain is less than 20mL over 24-48 hours. This process can take anywhere from 6-14 days (sometimes longer.) This criteria varies from surgeon to surgeon. (Please consult with your Surgeon for specific instructions.)

  1. Do not panic. The site may leak fluid or start bleeding slightly. Place a clean towel or gauze over where the drain was, and put pressure on the area for at least 15 minute or until the leakage/bleeding stops. When it stops, cover the hole (incision) with a clean piece of gauze. 
  2. Contact your surgeons’ office and they can direct you in the right steps to take. You may also contact us at Skin Deep Sculpting to take a look at the drain site for some cleaning/treatment until your doctor is able to take a look. (Please consult with your Surgeon for specific instructions regarding drain complications, questions, and/or concerns.)